Monday, June 17, 2013

Homemade All Purpose Spray

I took a challenge to go Chemical free in my home about 2 1/2 years ago when my daughter was born. For the most part I do all my cleaning with microfiber cloths.  I love being able to clean my house with water and a little vinegar.  But sometimes I want to have a deeper clean.  Or something that will dissolve really sticky messes.  So instead of buying really expensive all purpose cleaner, I make my own chemical cleaner that is anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral.  This spray consists of 4 ingredients.  And it makes my Stove top and chrome sparkle like no chemical I have used before.

1 tsp Lavender Essential Oil
1 tsp Tea Tree Essential Oil
1 tbsp Castile Soap
3 cups Distilled water

I add the ingredients to a spray bottle and store under every sink in my home.  I do not feel badly about using it around my children.  Instead I can have them help me with my cleaning.  My daughter has sprayed this in her eye before and did not have any adverse reaction.  We rinsed it and she carried on without any tears.

In case you are wondering what castile soap is, it is a vegetable oil based soap.  Here is a picture of the brand I use:

You can use very small amounts of this around your home for many different purposes, from body wash to dish soap.

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